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3 Questions to Always Ask Your Window & Door Replacement Company 

3 Questions to Always Ask Your Window & Door Replacement Company 

3 Questions to Always Ask Your Tucson Window & Door Replacement Company 

  1. Why is your product better than the competition?

Why it Matters: You want to make sure you are getting the right product for your home, so understanding the benefits of the product offered is important. Depending on what you are looking for, the company you are meeting with may or may not offer something that meets your expectations.

  1. How long will the product last?

Some products may last ten years while others may only last three to five. This is why going with the cheapest company may not be the best option long term. Another variable that impacts the longevity of the product is the frame material. Make sure you know exactly how long the product is expected to last to avoid paying for multiple replacements.

  1. What type of installation is used?

Certain types of installation methods will alter the appearance of your windows and home. In a frame-over installation, the old frame stays in place and reduces the size of your new window. This method also leaves a four to five-inch vinyl frame around the window. In a stucco strip installation, the stucco patching will never match the old stucco, resulting in your new window looking like a repair job.

The red arrow is pointing to an example of a frame over installed window. Compare to the original window, which the blue arrow is point to.



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